Data used to categorize individuals for identification, records matching, and other purposes.

Data Element

Name To Use

LOINC Personal pronouns – Reported 90778-2 LOINC does not have a specific observable that aligns directly with “Name to use” Recommendation for USCDI v3 Alignment with HL7 and LOINC he/him/his/his/himself H (LA29518-0) she/her/her/hers/herself S (LA29519-8) they/them/their/theirs/themself T (LA29520-6) Something else, please specify: nullFlavor OTH Unknown nullFlavor UNK Other options are permissible, such as neopronouns (ze/hir, ey/em, etc.) and options such as “use only my name” or “any pronouns”, in addition to the above minimum set. For further recommendations related to pronouns, see Kronk et al (2021).


Cornell Health Comments on Draft USCDI v5

"Name to Use" is an important field to collect and use. Using the name a patient wishes to be called can be an important factor in building trust and delivering patient centered care. Calling patients by the name they use helps to establish a safe and non-judgmental space where the patient can be open and honest about their health needs. 

Failure to use the name the patient uses can be perceived as discriminatory, thereby damaging the therapeutic relationship. Many patients, particularly in the LGBTQ+ community, delay or avoid seeking care due to fear of or actual experience of discrimination.  


NCPDP Comments on USCDI draft v5

NCPDP supports the use of the data element Preferred Name which can be interchanged with the data element Name to Use in the NCPDP SCRIPT Standard v2017071.

Is "name to use" is considered a "casual" usage?

If this is what i think it is, something to be used by office workers as a "casual" interactions with the person on how to address them namewise... is the implication that the first/middle/last name data elements are some sort of "legal" name fields?  If so, is that deliniated in the definitions of first/middle/last name, or should they be?



Provider support for Name to Use

When a patient has shared with a provider or other caregiver their preferred Name to Use and this data has been captured in a health IT system, we owe it to the individual to share this information along with other core demographic data.  Routine exchange of this data, when it is available, will contribute to effective patient engagement, patient trust, efficient workflows, and may also improve patient privacy.  

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