ONC Tech Forum: Sink Your Teeth into Sync for Genes

THURSDAY MAY 25, 2023 FROM 2:00 – 3:00 PM ET

Trillions of cells, four bases, which standard to use? Sync for Genes tests the use of data standards for genomics. Join ONC for this webinar to learn how HL7® FHIR® and other standards have been tested throughout the genomics pipeline. This virtual session will also share the history and accomplishments of Sync for Genes, and how you can contribute to the use of standards in genomics.

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New in 2023 – The ONC Tech Forum is back in 2023, although with a slightly different look. Instead of a single event, ONC will now host Tech Forum workshops throughout the year, giving you multiple opportunities to learn about how we can advance health technology to improve patient care, health equity, data exchange, and interoperability.