Frequently Asked Questions

ONC Health IT Certification Program FAQs are listed below according to categories of interest. Visit ONC's Regulation FAQs page for answers to regulation related questions.

A. Overview

A1. How is the ONC Health IT Certification Program structured?

A2. What if I have questions about the CMS EHR Incentive Programs?

B. Certification

B1. How is a Health IT Module certified?

B2. What is the role of the ONC-Approved Accreditor (ONC-AA), and how is the ONC-AA chosen?

B3. What is the role of ONC-Authorized Certification Bodies (ONC-ACBs) in the ONC Health IT Certification Program and how do organizations apply to become an ONC-ACB?

B4. What rules do ONC-ACBs have to follow, and where can I find a list of ONC-Authorized Certification Bodies (ONC-ACBs)?

B5. How long does an ONC-ACB’s status last, and how do ONC-ACBs renew their status?

B6. How can I submit a Health IT related complaint?

B7. What does the ONC Certified HIT Certification and Design Mark represent?

B8. What is gap certification?

B9. What happens to Health IT Modules when new standards and certification criteria are released?

B10. What is inherited certification status?

B11. How does inherited certification status work?

B12. How does inherited certification status work for EHR Module(s)?

B13. How does privacy and security certification work for Health Module certification?

C. Testing

C1. Where can I find the ONC-Approved Test Method?

C2. What is the role of the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP)?

C3. What is the role of ONC-Authorized Testing Laboratories (ONC-ATLs) in the ONC Health IT Certification Program, and how do organizations apply to become an ONC-ATL?

C4. Where can I find a list of ONC-Authorized Testing Laboratories (ONC-ATLs)?

C5. Are code sets available in the ONC Health IT Certification Program?

D. Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL)

D1. What is the Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL), and where can I find a list of certified Health IT Modules?

D2. How do I use the Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) and obtain a CMS EHR Certification ID?

D3. How can I check that the electronic health record (EHR) or Health IT Module that I’m using is certified, and how often is the Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) updated?

D4. What should I do if I do not see my certified Health IT Module on the CHPL?

D5. What does "Additional Software Required” mean?

D6. What is the difference between a Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) Product Number and a CMS EHR Certification ID?

D7. How do I get my Health IT Module listed on the Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL)?

D8. Who do I contact with questions or concerns about the Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) or if my CHPL listing is incorrect?

E. Complaints and Violations

E1. What do I do if I have a complaint about an ONC-AuthorizedTesting Laboratory (ONC-ATL) and/or an ONC-Authorized Certification Body (ONC-ACB), a vendor or a product?

E2. How are violations handled in the ONC Health IT Certification Program?

E3. What is proposed revocation?