Christina Caraballo, MBA

Christina Caraballo


U.S. Core Data for Interoperability Task Force 2018, Co-Chair
U.S. Core Data for Interoperability Task Force 2019, Co-Chair
Interoperability Standards Workgroup, Member

Vice President, Informatics

HITAC Member Terms:
Term 1: 1/2018 – 12/2020

Christina is a force of positive energy and is known as a thought leader who solves problems. She is transforming health care by synergizing her passions for policy, innovation, interoperability, consumer engagement, access to information, and the adoption of health IT. Christina’s mission is to transform healthcare through the adoption of health information technology (health IT), make a positive impact in the world and improve communities at the local, national, and international levels. With a deep understanding of the real-world challenges the industry must overcome to implement a robust health IT infrastructure that serves all stakeholders. Christina is an integral part of HIMSS initiatives focused on advancing the adaption and use of standards-based health IT and expanding the health and healthcare ecosystems with a focus on access to information, vulnerable populations, and communities.

As Co-Chair for the HITAC’s U.S. Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) Task Force, Christina played a key role in ensuring the USCDI data element submission and promotion process is predictable, transparent, and collaborative to promote accessibility to a wider variety of stakeholders who will thrive with the expansion of high priority data standards. Christina is actively working on helping the industry advance high priority data and interoperability needs through HIMSS communities, initiatives, and partnerships.

During her tenure at Get Real Health, a patient engagement technology trailblazer, Christina quickly solidified a reputation as a leading global subject matter expert on consumer engagement strategies and initiatives and has been at the forefront of the global culture shift to intentionally put patients and families at the center of care.

As a recognized leader in the health IT sector, Christina is an active participate in and advocates for industry initiatives that strive to increase the adoption of health IT, interoperability, and patient engagement. In her various roles, Christina coordinates and collaborates with a wide range of stakeholders. Notable committees/work groups and recognitions include: appointed to the Federal Health IT Advisory Committee (HITAC) by the Government Accountability Office; served as a Co-Chair for the U.S. Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) Task Force and member of the Annual Report to Congress Work Group; member of the HITAC’s Interoperability Standards Workgroup; appointed to the Maryland-D.C. District Export Council by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce; served as Chair of the HIMSS Technical Guidance for Interoperability Work Group; former member of the National Association for Trusted Exchange (NATE) Board of Directors; served on the HIMSS Connected Health Committee (Past Chair); planning committee member of the 2019, 2020, and 2021 HIMSS Interoperability and Health Information Exchange Pre-conference Symposium; 2016 HIMSS Most Influential Women in HIT Inaugural Awardee (Recognized at HIMSS17 Annual Conference).